Friday, June 25, 2010

My Computer is Faster than your Computer!

You may have the fastest Computer in the world. But, mine is faster!

About now you will probably be saying this guy is out of his mind. Not Really, I am just talking about a different type of computer. One that is completely organic.Your brain!

Our computers run at fantastic speeds these days. We have the ability to gain tremendous amounts information in just a fraction of a second. And our brain ( WOW! What a device to have at our fingertips!) It can assimilate and transfer information much faster than the fastest computer.

But what restricts information flow coming from your computer and getting into your Brain? Well, most of us read, or maybe you have learned to speed-read. But these are still too restrictive for you to be effective.

What would you do if I told you that there is a way to open that restriction up, so that you heighten your information flow? Would you be interested in doing that? What if I told you that you would also gain memory, mental clarity, enhanced decision making powers, and more,… as added benefits that simply come along for the ride?

This training has only been available to the wealthy,… until now.

You too, can now have the FASTEST Computer…

Want to Know More?... Click below

Mental Abilities & Awareness

Friday, April 2, 2010

Supreme Focus

DOES YOUR MIND often jump from one thought to the next like a pinball machine, just when you need it to stay focused on something that's really important?

Do your concentration, motivation and energy levels seem to drop, the longer you work or focus on things?

The human brain is extremely powerful but it doesn't always work the way we want it to. Sometimes we can't find the mental energy to think of anything, and then there's other times when we have ideas and thoughts whizzing around in our heads, like a food blender on steroids!

Then it time to get

Supreme Focus

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Top Concerns in Using Your Subconscious Power

Your subconscious power is real. You only have to look into yourself to realize that there is that part of you that operates beyond conscious awareness. This is your subconscious and it is what helps you make the right decisions about people, events and circumstances. If you tap this power, you can achieve so much more in life. Before you do though, there are some very crucial considerations to have in mind.

Your Responsibility

The subconscious mind can be very powerful. It can make things or thoughts that you normally cannot sense through your body, appear or materialize. When used in the right way, your subconscious mind can give you your deepest heart’s desires. This however is where personal responsibility should come it. A person’s mind power can be used for a variety of purposes including some that may be harmful to others. Before you decide to hone the powers of your mind, bear in mind the tremendous responsibility that will be on your shoulders.

Your Safety

Tapping the unconscious part of your mind can be very exciting. Do remember though that just like any other power, this one has its dangers. You run the risk of harming yourself if you are not able to use it properly or if you are unable to protect yourself. This is why it is crucial that you know the rationale behind learning steps you are taking and their possible effects on you. It would help if you are learning to use your subconscious from a trusted expert source.

Your Dedication

Your subconscious power does not develop out of the blue. It will take time and a lot of effort to awaken the power of your mind. Aside from learning theoretical concepts, you would also have to spend some time participating in countless exercises until you are able to master your innate psychic skill. Detecting auras, deciding through intuition, hearing thoughts, seeing objects out of sight and predicting outcomes are only some of the possible areas where you would have to practice on. There are numerous exercises online that you can try.

Your Positive State

Anyone can tap the power of the subconscious. It would help though if you are able to establish a positive frame of mind from the very beginning. This is especially if your main objective is to use your power to achieve your life goals. You will only be able to make your dreams come true if you let go of negative thoughts and feelings of doubt. When you are completely certain that you are capable and that you can get what you want, then your subconscious will work for you.

Your Guru

As mentioned, getting a teacher can be a good idea. This however is not as simple as picking anyone out of the blue. You need to be certain that you have a guru who is and expert and who has had a lot of experience helping individuals discover their subconscious potentials.

Truly, the subconscious power within you is simply waiting to be discovered. Take the step now towards unleashing your inner potentials.

Five Reasons to Tap Your Subconscious Mind Power

Not everyone is inclined to look into subconscious mind power. If you were born a skeptic, you might have your own doubts too. You should know though that people who have decided to tap their subconscious potentials lead empowering and fulfilling lives. Here’s why you should discover your mind’s power too.

#1- You’ll be using your full potential.

The subconscious is not something you get from the outside. It has and always will be a part of you. You use it to some extent every time you make quick decisions, act on gut instinct or turn someone over to your point of view. But because you do not know that your subconscious is working, you may feel vaguely incomplete or less than what you are capable of. Discovering the true potential of your mind power will help put you at your best and help you perform better in your daily tasks.

#2- It can help you get what you want.

Success or happiness may seem elusive to you. This may be because you are not yet aware that you can use your subconscious mind to help you get what you want in life. This concept is already the topic of various publications and studies. There is a lot of indication that if you know what you want and you are able to visualize it clearly, the universe will grant you your heart’s desire. This is otherwise known as the law of attraction. If you think in a positive mind set about your clear goals or aspirations, you will eventually get them.

#3- You can help others too.

Subconscious mind power need not be used only for your benefit. Individuals who are able to develop their skills in other psychic fields using the subconscious are able to help other people too. Some psychics may be able to locate lost objects and individuals. They are also able to discover auras and inner motivations that individuals themselves may not be fully aware of. Once you discover your potential and your responsibility as a psychic, you can be of help to countless individuals.

#4- It can help you build a positive and fruitful life.

Most experts in mind power stress the importance of building a positive mind set. Learning to tap your subconscious will offer you the best means to create positive thoughts and feelings that have a way of manifesting in your aura, personality and life experiences. This in itself is already a tremendous benefit for you. Becoming an entirely positive individual will ensure that never again will negative thoughts and feelings keep you down and away from your life dreams.

#5- It can open limitless possibilities.

The human body is a beautiful thing. In many cases though, it can be limiting. You are held in check by what your five senses are able to detect. Tapping your subconscious mind power however can lift the barriers to limitless possibilities. You can see, hear and feel better with your mind’s eye simply because it can go where your body cannot.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Keys to Unlocking Mind Power Secrets

There is such a thing as mind power secrets. If you are not yet in the process of discovering them, you truly are missing out on the keys to genuine success and fulfillment. What exactly are these secrets and how do you unlock them in you?

The Power of the Mind

Many experts recognize that the human mind has a lot of untapped potentials. In many respects, the mind is more powerful than one’s physical being. You can sit in a chair or lie down in bed without moving and you will not be able to accomplish anything physically. The mind however is capable of traveling and reaching out to possibilities even if you are physically inert. The power of your mind can help you gain peace, predict the future, get what you want and communicate with other like minds. If you are able to tap all these abilities of your mind, you will be able to enjoy better economic, social and personal rewards as well as achieve a healthier outlook in life.

Unlocking Your Power

There are two major paths to unlocking your mind power secrets. You can get a master or an expert to get you to teach the process. You can however also embark on the journey on your own. This may seem like a harder option but there are many real experts who can help you without having to meet you or charge you a huge fee. You can use a basic mind power book or resource on your own. Although different resources may present slightly different tips and facts, they all contain basic principles to help you unlock your mental potential.

• It is true that mental powers can be used by evil elements or individuals with negative intentions. True fulfillment however can only come from positive and good intentions. The greatest stumbling block to this fulfillment is your own negative outlook about life coupled with a harried and stressful existence. To be able to tap the energies of your mind, you must first work towards establishing a calmer well-being and a more positive view of life.

• You might not be able to unlock your mind power at first sitting. Just like any other task however, you improve your chances of succeeding by practicing. Practice can be performed during formal or informal moments of reflection and meditation. You may for example attempt to draw what you want and desire in life by taking a few moments each day to repeat what you want and to believe that it will come. Before you know it, you will have succeeded in eliminating all negative thoughts and energies and you will have become a more positive individual.

• You don’t need to move or exert physical effort when you use mind power. Even so, your physical self must be in some kind of harmony with your mental self. This simply means that it helps to maintain a physically fit and healthy body. In some cases, this can be achieved by partially using mind power. Once physical well-being is achieved, mental power is strengthened.

Even with a guide, the true key to unlock mind power secrets is in you. You just have to believe that you are capable of this just like everyone else.

Using the Law of Attraction to Your Advantage

The law of attraction has been around for some time. Even so, not everyone is familiar with it. There are also a number of those who are a little aware of what it is but have not been able to benefit from it. This may be because they are only superficially aware of the concept but may not really know how it all works. This, more than ever, is the time to discover the true meaning and power of this law.

What It Is

The attraction law is what you might call a universal law. This means it applies to every single human being on earth, regardless of location, race and personal circumstance. You can therefore be assured that nothing and no one can discriminate against your benefiting from this law.

In simple terms, this law states that like attracts like. This however, should be understood beyond physical likeness. The attraction law specifically points to similar energies attracting each other. It has been proven by numerous individuals that thinking in a certain way will attract occurrences of a similar nature. Hence, thinking positively can attract positive occurrences and negative thinking will attract negative outcomes. These are known as like energies.

How to Use It

The law of attraction entails more than just thinking positively. A positive frame of mind simply implies a general outlook of the universe. The law should be applied in a deeper, more specific way. To be able to benefit from the law, you must clearly know and think of what you want. Other believers in the law go farther by visualizing what they want in the present tense. This is your way of asking the universe to give you your desire. With your clear vision in mind, you have to act as if you already own it. Once you own what you want, you have to prepare yourself to receive it.

One crucial factor in this law is your ability to let go of all doubts. Some people wonder why they are not able to benefit from the law when they have religiously followed the steps to using it. It is important to understand that among many individuals, there are always small grains of doubt. Individuals may be aware of these doubts and simply push them to the back or they may be unconscious of them. Doubts about what you want or your right to receive it will undermine the entire process.

Mind Power

For a lot of people, letting go of doubts is never simple or easy. Even the most positive thinkers may occasionally experience moments of uncertainty or may hesitate at the moment when their dreams are about to come true.

Believing completely in what you want and in the certainty of receiving it may take some practice for some people. If this is true for you, then begin everyday with exercises to strengthen your mind. Practice everyday visualizing what you want and owning it and you will have begun your journey into using the law of attraction to your advantage.

Friday, January 8, 2010

The Secret doesn't work!, (this will shock you)


Have you seen the movie The Secret? Or maybe you are familiar with the law of attraction?

When that first movie came out it received all sorts of media attention from shows like Oprah and Larry King and since then people have been going crazy trying to apply it in their lives.

Here is the big problem....

Most people fail when they try to apply The Secret and the law of attraction into their lives.


Well because that movie, although it was great, doesn't give you the full story. It doesn't provide you with all the steps you need to become successful.

Did you know that there is actually a 5 Step System that you can use to guarantee the law of attraction will work for you and actually get RESULTS!

This is the missing link that you have been looking for.

You can check it out for free right now: Inner Wealth Awakening

This will help you answer those questions you have that don't get answered in The Secret.

The really cool thing is this system is designed to get you RAPID results. So no more waiting for weeks, months even years for your dreams to come true.

Check it out for free right now:
Inner Wealth Awakening

Talk soon,